“Jesus -Our Substitute”

“Jesus -Our Substitute”

Isaiah 53:4-5” Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; But He was wounded for our transgressions,He was bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement for our peace was upon Him…”
There is a story from the Roman empire saying that there was a very righteous general. He was a good military leader but also a governor in that province. He was very well-known, very popular for his righteousness and he was always obeying the law, and punishing those who were breaking the law. In his time there was a law saying that after a certain hour nobody was allowed to be on the streets, like a curfew, and whosoever was breaking that law must be punished being whipped to death. One night it happened that the mother of this governor broke the law. She was captured and they informed her son. The people were expecting that the general will close his eyes and set his mother free. When they judged her, the general was also there. After the sentence was given, his mother supposed to be whipped to death. But in the moment when the punisher supposed to hit her, the general lifted up his hand and said,”stop.”
He went to his mother, pushed her aside, took off his clothes and placed himself at the pillar of torture that he will take the punishment of his mother. In the same way, we all deserved to die but Jesus took our place and the punishment fell upon Him instead of us. We broke the law of God. Through the punishment of Jesus we have peace with God. This is the true meaning of Passover. Do you really celebrate Jesus-our Passover who was sacrificed?

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