“Pray to be heard of God, not men.”

“Pray to be heard of God, not men.”

“Pray to be heard of God, not men.”

Matthew 6:5 “And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are : for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, they have their reward. “A young professional sitting at his desk is waiting for a meeting to begin. He hears someone coming down the hallway. Thinking this might be a potential client, he picks up the telephone and pretends to be having a high-powered conversation. By this time, the footsteps have stopped at his desk. He looks up and asks,”What may I do for you? “ The man responds,” I’m from the telephone company; I came to hook up your phone.” Prayer is the same way. Prayer that gets our Savior’s attention comes from the heart and not from the head to be heard by men. Prayers to impress people are one-way conversations. Find a quiet place in your home where you can be alone with the Lord every day for a special time of communion with Him. He’s waiting for you there. Our Christian relationship is like a telephone with two lines. In the morning when you wake up ,the Lord wants to speak with you,but as soon as you start your conversation and time with Him, on the other line ,your wife, children, boss, worries, anxieties, shower, breakfast ,etc are calling you. What do you do when you are on the phone and somebody calls you on the other line? You put the first person on hold. So this is what happens when we are spending our time with the Lord. Satan will call us on the other line to interrupt us and put Jesus on hold. And we start the day without Him, and the whole day is a mess and then at the end of the day we will be so exhausted and wondering,why ? Who do you put on hold, Jesus or Satan? Do you believe that prayer has power? If you say, “yes “then how often do you use that power ? What priority has prayer in your life ?

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